For The Sake of EK GARAM CHAI..! I have heard lot from people that you dwell in the past too much..may be it's true. Why may be...It is true..! Often I wondered what makes me dwell in the past.. And answer has always been a cup of tea.. Someone from the junior batch of my alma matter poked me today over my favorite tea of electronics dept canteen and I went back into time.. Even the duo of temperature and humidity were at their combined peak couldn't stop my earnest addiction of tea.. There came a time when I cycled for some 18 kms just to taste one famous tea.. "EK Chai ki hai ye dastan.. Koso door le aaya zindagi ka ye makaam Fir bhi na badli wo shaam ki Chai ki jubaan..." A lot happens over this GARAM CHAI.. Dedicated to all tea lovers.. ~until next time~
Showing posts from 2016
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Here is to the Farmers/Producers/Traders of GI Products..! The definition of producers in the geographical indications Act is wide enough to include the above-mentioned categories of applicants. However, going by the statistical data there are very few authorized user applications in India. Why is this so? Various factors contribute to that e.g. Lack of awareness, expectation that such things are head ache of government blah blah... All I have to say is 'there are no free lunches' and there should not be any. Reason being we get used to easy money and don't dare to venture into new potential things. We human beings are equally responsible for the droughts and famines. But all we do is blame the nature which we are incessantly exploiting without realising the consequences. Government is habituated to pay the drought hit farmers and majority of the farmers are doing nothing to alleviate the circumstances. Every single year we face the same situation and burden on ...
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CETTE UNE EXPERIENCE INCROYABLE..! With the closing of the financial year 2015-16, it was the final class of certificate course of French language before we appear for exams due on coming Sunday and Monday. Past 8 months, I have been trying to understand the intricacies of the French language, culture and civilization. Maintenant, je parle avec confiance! which means I am able to speak and communicate in French (still at the certificate level though :-P) The best thing of this course was our teacher whose flawless teaching got us on the platform we were expecting. I used to always complain that I never had an opportunity to learn under the tutelage of finest of teachers. I am glad that I didn't miss out an opportunity this time and what I learnt was truly incredible. Learning a foreign language is difficult but what is even more challenging is tutoring the naive students sitting in front of you not knowing a single alphabet of the language. However, this teacher ...
Essentially Biological Processes as per Section 3(j) of Indian Patent Act, 1970
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According to Section 3(j) of the Patents Act, 1970: "Plants and animals in whole or any part thereof other than micro organisms but including seeds, varieties and species and essentially biological processes for production or propagation of plants and animals are not patentable inventions" Plant breeders need to protect their genetically modified plants to compensate for the high levels of investment in developing plants with desired genotypic and/or phenotypic trait. The guidelines for examination of Biotechnology applications for patent explicitly state that transgenic/modified microorganisms which do not constitute discovery of living things occurring in nature are patentable subject matter under the Patents Act. However, the decision ( Monsanto Technology LLC v. The Controller of Patents & Designs and Ors. , OA/02/2012/PT/DEL ) of the Intellectual Property Appellate Board (IPAB) on July 5, 2013, refusing Monsanto’s patent application...
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PATENTABILITY OF NUCLEIC ACID MOLECULE RELATED INVENTIONS WHOSE FUNCTIONS ARE INFERRED BASED ON HOMOLOGY SEARCH: PROBLEMS AND PERSPECTIVES Patenting of genes often incites a widespread controversy since it seems odd to patent the universal entity like a gene. According to Section 3(c) of the Indian Patents Act, 1970, mere discovery of a scientific principle or the formulation of an abstract theory or discovery of any living thing or non-living substance occurring in nature is not a patentable invention. Manual of Patent Practice and Procedure briefly talks about gene patents with an example under the head of unity of an invention- When a genetically modified Gene Sequence/ Amino Acid Sequence is novel, involves an inventive step and has industrial application, the following can be claimed. a) Gene sequence / Amino Acid sequence b) A method of expressing above sequence c) An antibody against that protein / sequence d) A kit made from the antibody / sequence ...
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Start Up or Wake Up..?? Taking a cue from my earlier post "Bahut Scope Hai Bhai".. So I decided to enter the world of law of which I had no clue initially and slowly the excitement of pursuing law from IIT KGP sunk as I realized the depth of it. Thought, it will be over in a matter of three years and then it will be all new world. As the time passed, the thought of doing something Hatke hit me and then I... Turned down a comfortable office job..! Another offer came in way and sat on it until it passed..! In between, the exciting and thrilling litigation career kept taunting..! and after all this here I am..with a start up established with an objective of providing concrete platform for Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) with a special focus on protection, promotion and enforcement of Geographical Indications! It seems so easy to read the previous statement but when we actually started working towards it, I gradually woke up from my tranquil sleep and realized ...
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Even The King Struggles..! When I say King I mean It..It is easy to see why.. Alphonso Mango's voluptuous shape, sunshine yellow skin reveals saffron colored, smooth flesh...imagine an impeccable cross between peach, nectarine, apricot, melon with notes of honey and citrus..Alphonso is better than you imagined..! Alphonso becomes an obsessive passion not only for its producers but also for the consumers when it hits the market during the season. Now coming back from the poetic yet real description of the King to the struggle it faces. Last season Alphonso suffered a major setback in the export market. I will not delve into the details of it since it has been discussed widely in media. What I would like to share is that Alphonso being a King of Mangoes is struggling to get a Geographical Indications tag in India... Going by the facts there are three applicants who have sough to register Alphonso Mango as the Geographical Indication, namely- Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth (Appl...