With the closing of the financial year 2015-16, it was the final class of certificate course of French language before we appear for exams due on coming Sunday and Monday.

Past 8 months, I have been trying to understand the intricacies of the French language, culture and civilization. Maintenant, je parle avec confiance! which means I am able to speak and communicate in French (still at the certificate level though :-P)

The best thing of this course was our teacher whose flawless teaching got us on the platform we were expecting. I used to always complain that I never had an opportunity to learn under the tutelage of finest of teachers. I am glad that I didn't miss out an opportunity this time and what I learnt was truly incredible. Learning a foreign language is difficult but what is even more challenging is tutoring the naive students sitting in front of you not knowing a single alphabet of the language. 

However, this teacher made it seem so easy that learning a new language became fun. I used to wait for those fun filled six hours a week. Wish the Dept. of Foreign language could follow the policy of Marathi school of having one teacher for all the fours years of primary school. I am sure most of us would have gladly continued for the Diploma course. 

Being good at the subject is one thing and to be able to communicate the same to the students is another mammoth task. Its been a privilege Madame Babar..! 

Merci Beaucoup!!

~ until next time ~


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