Ever since the Copyright office has been shifted under the aegis of Ministry of Commerce & Industry, the entire registration procedure has been revitalized.

Earlier, the Copyright registration took over two years which has been significantly brought down to less than two months and having personally seen the changes, it left me wondering why these reforms didn't take place earlier..? things are moving so fast that after Copyright Office has issued manual of practice and procedure on 27th April, 2018 following to the draft guidelines issued in February, 2018, accession to the WIPO Copyright Treaty, 1996 (WCT) and WIPO Performance and Phonogram Treaty, 1996 (WPPT) happened on 4th of July, 2018.

The manuals have been published (after taking into consideration, the relevant suggestions from the stakeholders) in order to increase the transparency and reduce the delay in processing the Copyright application.

The manual for different Copyright works can be accessed here:

1. Literary works - here

2. Artistic works - here

3. Musical works - here

4. Sound Recording works - here

5. Cinematograph works - here

Comments on these guidelines would follow shortly.

~until next time~


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